Reference Chunks

Programming and data notes

Phpmyadmin Date Formatting

myphpadmin date formating

for exporting with a date in the file name use


results in…


Linux Cli Cdrom Access

Linux command line cdrom access

sudo lshw -C disk
sudo mount /dev/cdrom -t iso9660 -r /media/cdrom

Install Wkhtmltopdf on Amazon Aws

to install wkhtmltopdf on AWS micro linux

Use yum to install font-config and urw-fonts. This dealt with the “wkhtmltopdf: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory” error and the output pdf only having squares instead of readable characters.

Download the proper static binary from Make sure that you know if you are running on a 32 or 64 bit system.

Untar the downloaded file. Optionally, rename the binary to something without the extra information.

Copy or move the binary file to /usr/bin

help from

Install Matplotlib on Debian Testing

installing matplotlib on debian testing

what a pain…

more notes later, but I installed with pip.

Required the installing or updating following packages through apt-get before it would install and work in ipython (I think - and check versions to make sure in future)

numpy python-dateutil python-dev libfreetype6-dev gcc g++

Excel Vba Wont Compile

Excel VBA mid function cannot compile

If it looks like standard functions in a VBA macro are missing and the code won’t compile…

These are the four core references you should have in your VBA IDE.

Visual Basic For Applications Microsoft Excel xx.0 Object Library OLE Automation Microsoft Office xx.0 Object Library

If there is a (MISSING) DAO Reference Add C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\ACEDAO.dll

Remember to uncheck all references that are marked as “MISSING”. Restart Excel.

Cli Prep for Virtualbox

Linux command line prep for installing VirtualBox Guest Additions

Ubuntu specific, could probably replace apt-get with other package management software (yum, pacman, etc).

Build essential is gcc and a bunch of other compliation/deployment tools it is a package specific to Ubuntu/Debian.

sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)


yum groupinstall "Development Tools"


pacman -S base-devel